Growing Minds in Ghana

Growing Minds in Ghana: Why Kids Need to Learn from Nature

March 01, 20253 min read

When my partner, our son and I moved to Ghana in January 2023, we were searching for something more – a life beyond the London rat race, a fresh start rooted in purpose, potential and a deeper connection to the world around us. Almost as soon as we arrived, my partner threw himself into agricultural projects, working on farmland outside the city and building what would become Spintex Farm – an urban farm right in the heart of Accra.

Spintex Farm is about creation, education, and contribution. It’s about empowering people – especially the next generation – with knowledge that is fundamental to their health, independence and future. In a world where highly processed, government-controlled packaged foods dominate our diets and convenience often trumps nutrition, we must return to the source. There’s something incredibly powerful about getting your hands in the soil and watching something grow from seed to harvest.

One of the most beautiful things to come out of Spintex Farm has been our work with local schools. We’ve opened the farm gates to children, inviting them to step out of the classroom and into nature. And let me tell you – the transformation is amazing. Kids who’ve never seen a tomato plant up close suddenly light up when they get to pick one themselves. They ask questions, they get their hands dirty and they learn in a way no textbook could ever replicate.

But it’s more than just the novelty of being outside – it’s about understanding and empowerment. In an age where so many of us are disconnected from the sources of our food, teaching children how to grow their own food is a revolutionary act. It’s a way of breaking free from cycles of poor health, terrible lifestyle habits and heavy dependence on pharmaceuticals. When children learn the patience it takes to grow something from scratch and the care required to nurture it, they develop a real respect for what’s on their plate. They start to grasp the importance of fresh, organic produce – not just for flavour but for health and well-being.

The lessons go even deeper. Through farm visits and hands-on activities, kids begin to understand the medicinal properties of the foods and herbs they grow. They see how the right fruits, vegetables and plants can nourish and heal their bodies in ways that no processed, packaged product ever could. They learn about soil preparation, planting and the joy of harvesting – skills that could one day inspire them to grow their own food and make more conscious choices about their diet.

We must teach the next generation that growing your own food is not just a life skill – it’s a path to freedom. It’s about removing ourselves from a system that prioritises profit over health and reconnecting with the abundance that Mother Earth provides. Everything we need – for nourishment, healing and well-being – is right there in the soil, waiting for us to cultivate it.

When we teach kids to care about the earth and their own well-being, we’re planting seeds for a better, healthier future. And that’s a harvest worth waiting for.


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